Accomplishments documented during the Year of Doing Stuff may include, but are not limited to:
- Making actual progress in the use of the expensive leatherstamping kit I was given a couple bdays ago
- Getting better at archery
- Reading x number of books for the first time (though I am not going to go on any binges where I read something marketed below my age level, a la Ranger's Apprentice)
- Getting better at drawing
- The day I shoot the last photo in the nearly-empty memory card of the lightly-used $100 camera I was given at 17
- Doing math lessons ( I have a tendency to forget everything I learned in math the previous semester, so I keep starting fresh and getting slightly better at it)
- Make significant progress in the WIP that has been sustaining my life for the past few years. (I recently came to a conclusion that I am not in reality the writing type, since the idea of this project is in no way exciting. However on most days free writing is the only task I can manage w/o any real physical pain. Besides I'm 60 pages along in the second draft and I know where it's going)
- Since learning to drive is out of the question I think that pretty well sums up my ideas for the coming year. If everything lines up smoothly I will start going to college next August, but I will still do my best to put up a new post every day.
p.s. Another item on my list is to achieve the feat of watching an LOTR extended marathon in one day, for which an opportunity may very well arise during the time I am recovering from the next operation.