
What I've Been Watching...

I recently watched Men In Black, which I had never seen before but rather curious about. It was a good idea. Although some parts were kind of gross, overall, I found it hilarious and i want to see the sequels now. The only knock I have against it is that it is hard to like all the way through if one finds recurring gags annoying, because they decided to use multiple sight gags three times each, and by the third time I knew it was coming before it happened so the edge was gone...
I have also started going through Netflix's backlog of Arrow, the Green Arrow show that is apparently still popular. I'm not crazy about it because I think they put too much emphasis on inappropriate relationships going on behind the scenes, also because the premise of the show is a "Vigilante execution of the week" kill list which makes the show's protagonist similar to a cross between Robin Hood and Bruce Wayne, with killing. However, the show does have twists and mysteries in it which I am enjoying, so I keep sitting through the episodes to find out exactly how the season's secret is going to play out. But as is seen above, that's not to say that I actually like the show in it's own right...
I saw most of tonight's episode of Agents of Shield. (I missed the first ten minutes) thoughts below.
This was actually one of my favorite episodes, because instead of inching things along, they gave us a bunch of stuff at one go. Ok, so May's not connected to Skye at all, which is nice because if that had been the case it would have been the worst case of broadcasting a "twist" ever. However, the story they decided on was that Skye is ---an extraterrestrial? What? But still that seems to close up that line. I was intrigued by the shot at the end of the show where the guy named Donnie who was being transported to the Sandbox cracked the window of the window of the plane by touching it. And if it wasn't a crack it was frost. Either way, he seems to have gotten Mr. Freeze type powers from radiation, probably from when the device exploded. I was disappointed at the end by the reveal that Quinn the nefarious tech buyer guy is also under the control of the clairvoyant (btw, if the clairvoyant turned out to be either an Ultron prototype or one of the lesser Marvel villains, e.g. Dr.Doom, I would not be surprised at all.) This thing of having everyone shield is dealing with be controlled by a hidden supervillian is getting old. Give them an individual to take down once in a while...

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